Treadmill Tuesday

Totally random, but let’s start with this little snippet- Hell froze over!!
Sorry couldn’t help it, but that must be why I made it to the gym two days in a row 🙂  Can we say ugh squared to the treadmill? Maybe it’s because of the circulated air or the fact that you have run while staring at yourself in the mirror but running just seems so much harder. 
Last night I slept horribly.   First I couldn’t fall asleep and then I tossed and turned.   For someone who used to be something of an insomniac, this is not cool.  An unexpected bonus to commuting and the crazy insane schedule I had for the first 3-4 months of the year was finally sleeping a little better.  I am hoping tonight is better and that last night was just a one off.
6 miles were on the plan for today but I knew that wasn’t likely when I woke up.  While getting ready, I figured I could do a 2 mile walk while on lunch and then hit the gym for 3-4 miles after work.  That seemed more feasible.  As I was walking out the door to go to work, I received a text message.  Someone called in sick. 😦  So I canceled the lunch walk with the intention of taking a shorter lunch and getting back to work.  Best laid plans right?
The opposite of walking
The opposite of walking
We have a Comfy chair at work too, and I sat down after eating my lunch.  Then I fell asleep… oops.    I had even turned my jacket into a blanket.  I woke up almost 40 minutes later.  So much for a short lunch, it was just shy of regular.   I jumped out of the chair, refilled my water bottle and ran out of the break room.  FYI, I also spilled my water 3x today.
I was still tired and was debating even running but I knew I needed to go.  Luckily ME emailed me around 4, so I asked her join me.  Part of my gym membership is that I can take a guest whenever I want :).  She wanted to go, so we planned to meet up as soon as I got back into town.   Woo hoo for company!  She’s just getting back into things after a nasty bout of strep and I was still tired, so short and sweet it was!  3 steady, solid miles, done!  We hadn’t seen each other since before Christmas so we exchanged gifts in the parking lot after.  We’re classy like that. 🙂  So, ME is super crafty and she made these adorable earrings for me-
Cute, right?
Cute, right?
I managed to finally get the Garmin to work on the treadmill.  Well, kind of.   As you can see in the picture, the mileage was off.  Both Nike+ and the treadmill actually agreed for once.   The Garmin however was lagging behind.  Time for more research on how to get it calibrated properly, or at least as close as I can.   I love Google. 
Keep up Garmin!
Keep up Garmin!
I came home and rewarded myself with a nice cold strawberry banana smoothie.   I may have killed the blender in the process, it was not a happy camper.    Since it’s so heavy, will that count as strength training for the day?  Probably not.  😦
How was everyone’s Tuesday?

12 thoughts on “Treadmill Tuesday

    1. After you hit Run, there is an option for location. After clicking on that you can choose between outdoor and indoor. Indoor works on the treadmill, it’s usually pretty close to what the treadmill says 🙂


      1. Today I’m on the treadmill and I had this wordpress epiphany about this convo… Tried it out, working (nearly) like a charm. The calibration was slightly off, but otherwise it was fabulous and I’m excited to track my runs!


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