Week 5- Training Begins??

Training for:

  • Livermore 13.1 -March 26
  • Destination Races Santa Barbara 13.1- May 13

Or does it?     I was looking forward to putting my money where my mouth is as it were and hitting the marks during week 1 of training.   Or at least trying to.   I knew the miles were going to be hard and I knew I had a busy week but I was looking forward to the challenge.

Monday- 3.1 miles   Baby tempo!   You can read all about that enlightening run here.   I’m still debating where to run my tempo miles.    I’ll figure something out.

Tuesday- Planned rest day  My legs were a little tight after the attempt at speed the previous day.   I wore compression socks under my slacks most of the day and made sure to foam roll.

And here’s when things went south-

Wednesday- Intervals– rest  I woke up with a headache and stomach pain.  I held fast that I was going to run after work.    Except that I didn’t make it through the day at work.  It got to the point that I couldn’t even stand up straight my stomach hurt so bad.    Joy.

Thursday/ Friday- Rest   What I didn’t mention was that starting  Tuesday night I woke up every night sweating ridiculously.  TMI?  Sorry.    Maybe I was fighting something?  My brother had been sick, my boss missed a day being sick.  Whatever it was, my migraine wouldn’t quit and I felt weird.  I also had a doctor’s appointment where he ordered a series of fun tests.  Yay.

Saturday- Planned rest.   We were going out of town for my grandmother’s memorial.  I knew I wasn’t running that day.    It was a sad, nostalgic, interesting morning and a long day.

Sunday- 8 miles.   I didn’t want to run.  I still wasn’t feeling great but I also wondered how much of that was real and how much was just lingering inertia of the week.   I slept in in the morning and headed out a little before 3.  Yes, I was running during the Super Bowl.   😛     I was bartering with myself in miles 1 and 2, the week was already a wash so I could call it at 4 right?  I even slowed down in mile 3 which has a downhill and is usually a little faster.  Grrr.   But I kept running and something changed around mile 3.5.      I just kept going, mile 4, across the bridge- where I pulled a sub 10 mile.  This is only interesting because I average around 11:30ish until I hit the bridge and bring the pace down over the next .3 mile.   I swear I wasn’t sprinting.   Mile 5- still going and feeling pretty good.  Mile 6 and I ran an entire hill that I have never run all of before.    I celebrated on IG and my mother laughed at me.  Ok, so the hill less than 1/2 mile and only gained 92 feet but let me have my tiny victory!!!   Onto mile 7 and mile 8 and I still felt good!  Woo hoo!!   I have no idea what happened but I’ll take it!

11.1 miles for the week.  1 half completed workout, 1 fully completed workout.  1 missed run and 2 missed cross trainings.    I’m still on the long run high though so yay!  But I am thankful that this is a longer training plan now.  If it was the standard 12 weeks, I may be a little nervous but the longer plan is keeping me a little calmer.  It may be a false sense of security but only time will tell.

How was your week?

Did you watch the Super Bowl?  Puppy Bowl?

12 thoughts on “Week 5- Training Begins??

  1. Hope you’re feeling better now. Technically I watched the Super Bowl. I had the TV on as background noise and played on the internet. When it came time for the commercials and the halftime show, then I paid attention. Lady Gaga slayed!


  2. I’m still so impressed with your long run! I got in 17.7 miles last week before I hit the wall with the hurt back and cold/cough/chest/I can’t breath issues. I ended up sleeping through most of the game – I got up and did that 4-1/2 miler, and then was really productive; however, being sick my energy stores were all drained… I napped almost 3 hours, woke up at half time.

    I did get in 5 this morning, and they were hard fought! I kept repeating “You can breath, you can breath, you can breath” LOL


    1. Yeah, my chest hurt today so I decided to push my run to tomorrow. Boo. Nice running last week! 17 miles is great! And 5 this morning? Nice running!!

      I won’t lie, I think I would take a nap everyday if I could. Can I get paid to nap? How do I make that happen?

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  3. Hope you’re feeling better now! I feel like I’m coming down with something 😦 our weather has been so wonky–an amazing 80 degrees one day, and then freezing 50 something the next…ugh


    1. Oh, I am so glad you said 50 something was freezing, I can’t take the cold anymore!! Ever since I got super sick in December, everything seems to be so much colder! How do people wear shorts in the 50’s? Hell, I’d throw a party for the 60’s these days. 🙂


  4. I ran during the Super Bowl. Sports don’t really interest me unless I’m playing in the game. I’ve never been much of a spectator. Glad you’re feeling better. 🙂


  5. Way to get that long run in! A lot of bloggers have been posting very similar things right now. We all have races that we are excited about training for but when the mileage comes in, we seem to fall short or just not be feeling it. I honestly think it has something to do with the time of year. Hopefully now that you got that long run in, you are getting your second wind and ready to go!


    1. Yeah, the dark hours and tons of rain we’ve been getting out here haven’t been helping. This week is looking like another low mileage week as I did something to my leg. For once I am trying to be smart and not just run through it. Hopefully the extra rest will make for a decent long run otherwise I may have a real problem 😦

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