Week 2 Training Recap

Upcoming races–  Castle to Coast 8.2 miles
Surf City 13.1

This week’s focus– Working on base building

Yeah, this will be quick.

Monday- Rest
Sunday- 3.65 miles

Well, that didn’t go according to plan.   The sore throat I’d been fighting/ignoring for a week or so turned into so much more.    By Tuesday, I felt horrible and ended up leaving work early.    I treated myself to In-n-Out on the way home and spent the afternoon sleeping.  Somehow In-n-Out has become my go-to sick food.   Which considering I drive past one 2x a day, only getting it when I feel completely crappy is a win in my book.  😏


My nurse
Wednesday, I felt slightly better and I headed to work.  I finished out the day, came home, posted a blog post and was hopeful for at least getting on the bike on Thursday.    The denial was strong at this point, my right eye was starting to swell.  I went to bed with an ice pack and hoped for the best.  Thursday morning arrived and my eye was damn near swollen shut.  I hate calling sick on a regular day but we are also running short staffed right now and I was supposed to have lunch with my uncle.   We have been trying to plan lunch for years but it never works out so the last thing I wanted to do was cancel.  So I dragged myself to work.   Bad idea.    I made it half the day before being booted out the door.  And I had to cancel on my uncle.  Boo.   Once again, I was on my way home early.    No In-n-Out this time just more sleep.    I learned my Up band is smart enough to know when I am napping though.

I made it through work on Friday only to go home and crash.  Seriously when did walking to the copy machine become so exhausting?   No lie, I slept for 11 hours on Friday night.  11!  How is that even possible?   I did feel a little better on Saturday though.   That didn’t stop me from sleeping for a freaky amount of time on Saturday night though.

Today, I got out for a slow 3.65 mile walk.  It was in the low 50’s and perfect running weather but I was bundled up like it was in the 30’s.  😝   But I had zero coughing fits!  Which was great since I somehow forgot my water bottle on top of my car.   Oops.  And I could have checked the weather better as it started to rain on me on the way back.  😢

So, yeah not the way I had hoped to greet the first week of 2016.  I seem to get super sick every January.   2 partial work days is better than I fared last year so calling that a win?    Now the test is to ease back into things this week… oh with a race in 5 days.  Sure no problem, right?

Tell me all about your running adventures this last week!

Or non running ones too, I watched way too much tv. 😆

19 thoughts on “Week 2 Training Recap

  1. Ugh…being sick is so awful. And the worst thing is no matter how hard you try its really 2 full weeks before you’re back to training properly. Hope you get well soon


  2. Ha, I didn’t run at all last week. I was embracing the lazy before marathon training begins. It’s always a bummer to be sidelined due to illness, but at least you weren’t being lazy like me 😉


  3. My first week of January pretty much went the same: nasty head cold that took the good out of me but I tried hard to get in a few workouts – they weren’t awesome. Finally feeling better, hope you feel better soon.


  4. I’m glad you’re feeling better! This morning I was telling my friend BA that I didn’t run that morning, 38 dg and below is my cut off, but that I “might” go out when it warmed up, but that would be hard – it would be daylight. People would see me.
    He pretty much laughed in my face.
    Made me see how irrational that fear really was.
    I went out at lunch.
    Rocked it.


    1. Yay!!!! I am so glad you had a great run!!! I used to be the same, I was afraid to run in front of people. I used to stop and look at the bushes if someone drove past. Actually, now that I type that, it’s lucky that no one thought I was shady. I probably looked suspicious. 🙂 You rock!

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