Tag: sick

22/9 Steady-ish

And damn it, I am a week behind again.

So let’s see. After enjoying a Monday off work (but running!) due to the holiday, it was back to work for the rest of the week. I remember the week being crazy busy and crazy cold. Again no running after work. But I did get the news that my latest biopsy was all clear so yay!

The weekend was productive though.

Saturday saw a nice 3 mile run. Actually, do I still call it a run if I am still doing run/walk intervals? Anyways, I really enjoyed this run. The weather was good, I was feeling good and having fun. Can all runs be like this? Well, maybe faster but like this?

Sunday dawned and the weather was my favorite kind for running so I knew an afternoon run would be perfect. My training plan called for a 5 mile run and I was still riding the previous days’ running high. But no. I decided to revisit a route I haven’t done in a long time and was enjoying the extra bits of nature that it had in it. Then, the world got wobbly. Just under 2 miles in and my blood sugar dropped. I was cursing myself for not carrying any fuel while slowing to a crawl. 1/2 mile later, I remembered there was a pack of fruit snacks shoved in my handheld. At least I hoped there was. Score!! Even with those, I never really felt right after that but I kept moving forward. The beauty of a looped route, right? So I did complete my 5 miles but there was very little running in that run.

Double digits- it was a double digit week! That might have been my first all year, actually. Small victories.


Last week was just crazy chaos, so chraos. One of my favorite made up words. Sometimes my brain and my mouth are not on the same track and combined words come out. My coworkers have started keeping a list of the ones they like the best.

So yeah, chraos, lets not even talk about the weekdays, I don’t want to go back there. I was looking forward to the 3 day weekend, I had plans. Boring plans but still plans. I wanted to get in a least 2 runs and a trail. I wanted to clean my car inside and out and watch some brainless tv. Some of that was accomplished but not all of it. Boo.

Saturday was a good start. Got in some errands and managed to get out in the early afternoon for a run. I got in just over 4 miles and I ran!!! First time really running since COVID. Granted it was still run/walk intervals with a lot of walking, it was still running. Yay!! I also got stalked by a cat which made me laugh. It’s been a while since I enjoyed a run that much.

We napped.

Sunday was a fail. Again started with some errands but these were farther away from home and I got tired, haha. I decided to rest a bit before heading back out for a run but never followed through. Normally I would feel guilty missing the run especially since I am just getting back into it but not this time. I am trying really hard to listen to my body since COVID not just ignore it and move on.

And it’s my blog, I’ll do what I want so let’s talk about Monday too. This time I got things done. Laundry done, nasty car cleaned and a run! Well, kind of. I headed out for a few miles in the afternoon and I was feeling it. The weather was amazing, I was wearing shorts for the first time in months, I was feeling good. Until I wasn’t. 2 miles in my stomach cramped in that way all runners know and dread. Oh crap, pun intended. From there I took the shortest route home, speed walking as fast as I could. So, that day brought me just under 3 miles, haha.

I am really trying to get back on track with these posts. And life. I used to be organized… what happened?


I keep telling myself I am going to get back to getting these posts up on Monday so it’s less like I am 2 weeks behinds… But, so far, no luck. Also, do my titles make any sense?

Last week was a blur of stress and tiredness. I remember being tired (seems to be new normal) as well as an evening of gnarly dizzy spells. Work was crazy and a system crash didn’t help. I kind of just wanted to nap all weekend but I am really trying to not do that as well. Plus I wanted to get some miles in as I am still not running during the week.

I admit I ventured out to SLO for some shopping on Saturday and wasn’t sure I was going to have enough energy or time to get in some miles. After eating the best pizza I have had in months, hitting some stores and buying nothing I headed home. It was late and I was taking my parents to dinner but I managed to get out the door for a few miles. Just over 2.5 miles but I felt ok. Hot as it was a freak 80+ degrees that day but and hadn’t cooled yet but still good. Can’t say the same for the dinner with the parents later though. Not going to that restaurant again for a while.

As for Sunday, I had plans for my longest outing since COVID. Hmmm, maybe of the year, actually. I headed out to MDO to hit up a trail. I call it the Jurassic Park trail because something about the first 1/2 mile makes me think of Jurassic Park. Out and back without any of the trail offshoots is just over 5 miles. I was hoping this would feel fairly easy as it is fairly flat, only around 500 ft of elevation gain. And it felt good!! Yay! Plus I love all the sights and changes in vegetation along the trail.

So 7ish miles for the week. Still small but growing. I’m trying not to think about the fact I am registered for 2 half marathons in March at the moment, ha!

22/ Six

Holy crap, week 6 is already gone????

Granted 2 of those were gone in a COVID blur but what about the rest of them? They say times flies when you get older but this is just silly.

Anyways, back to last week. Monday through Friday were mostly spent adjusting back to work and trying not to be so tired. The tiredness sneaks up and hits you when you are least expecting it. Or at least when I am least expecting it, ha!

I was more productive over the weekend though. I managed to get in miles on both Saturday and Sunday. Still walking and not running but that’s so much better than the previous weeks.

On Saturday, I headed for the river path as I am nowhere near ready for my driveway yet. Hell- I wasn’t in driveway shape before I got sick, it’s gonna be a minute or two before I get back to that. I aimed for a few easy miles. Mission accomplished but I did have to avail myself of a lovely bench seat along mile 2.

Sunday, I headed for the lake path. I haven’t been there in months. Figured the nice and flat dirt path would be nice. And it was a good choice. 3 laps for 3.5 miles. Hey, look, I even extended the distance!

6.5 miles for the week. Which let’s be real- not far off from where I was before I got sick.

I’d say how was your week but we’re actually 2 weeks on, so how have your weeks been?

22/ Positive

Otherwise known as weeks 3 and 4 of January.

2 years. I made it 2 years, customer facing 5 days a week with a crew of 10-12 people. 2 years and I went down on Friday, the 14th. I tested positive for COVID the next day.

The following 2 weeks are all kind of a blur. There was a lot of sleeping, a lot of chills, too many silly movies, a lot of apple juice, not enough food, and time spent alternating between my bed or a recliner. Mostly I just remember being exhausted. I got out of quarantine and tried going to the store for a few things since I hadn’t been anywhere in forever and needed things and one little trip knocked me on my ass for another 2 days.


I returned to work 2 weeks to the day. Going back on a Friday was odd but it did feel good to feel human again. I missed people. Didn’t miss the hundreds of emails I had to get through but that’s life.

I ventured out for a 3 mile walk over the weekend and while it was tiring, it also felt good. I seriously doubt my ability to run 2 half marathons in 5-6 weeks. I am not feeling ready to run yet, walk, maybe, run- not so much.

So, yeah, that was January.