Tag: shin

Week 48- Lingering

And the pain lingers on.

Isn’t that a song? I feel like it’s a song lyric.  🎶

Last week was a little better than the previous week though not by much.    I doubled the miles but when you run barely more than zero, double is still next to nothing.    Which is problematic because filling all my extra time with Christmas movie watching has given me the most intense craving for sugar cookies with icing ever.   I want them all.   That’s not a good thing.

Last week was kind of odd anyhow.  I had my interview on Wednesday which had interesting moments but not of the usual interview kind.  Then Saturday saw my mother’s birthday and my dad’s is this week.   I also had the world’s messiest oil change.  Like my car was leaking oil for the next 3 days.  I called the dealer it was so bad, thinking they had screwed something up.  Nope, they just slopped oil everywhere.

Ok, so what were the piddly “workouts” I did last week?

Monday/Tuesday- Nothing but a little stretching.  My leg wasn’t too happy and I wasn’t going to push it.    I am embracing the flats life.  It’s so boring.

Wednesday- 2.51 miles  I meant to head to the gym for a few test miles but realized I forgot my headphones instead I ran outside.  Slowly.  My leg wasn’t screaming but it wasn’t marvelous.  However I was just so excited to be out there.

Thursday- 2.16 miles Should I have run so soon?  Yeah, probably not but I had to take the car back to the dealer due to the oil change fiasco so I was home sooner than normal and I couldn’t pass up the chance.  My leg actually felt better than the previous day.  Yay!!  Oh and it pushed me to 50 miles for November, which considering how many days I deliberately didn’t run because of my leg, I’ll just say Hell yeah!

Friday-  Stupid I wore low heeled boots to work.  Only about 2 inches but it was stupid and my leg did not appreciate it at all.  Stupid.

Saturday-Birthday shopping with my mom.  I could feel my shin talking all day.  Why did I wear heels on Friday??  Grrrr.

Sunday- 10 miles bike  My leg still felt off and truthfully I might have done something stupid and gone for a run but an unplanned afternoon nap changed that.  Oops.  So I hopped on the bike to try and work up a sweat.  Except the cat decided she really wanted to be part of the exercise too.  She kept trying to go under the pedals.  Don’t do that!

4.68 miles run, 10 miles bike.  As I type this I realize I have yet to run in December.  Yikes!  Come on leg, knock it off, it’s only 3 weeks to marathon training!

How was your week?

Any Christmas festivities?

Anyone race?  I was having major RnR San Antonio FOMO.


Week 47- R.I.C.E


But, first things first- I hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving!

Ok, back to the boo, maybe boo boo would be more accurate.   Grrr.  Remember how the week leading up to Las Vegas was spent mostly resting due some leg pain after a long run.  However Vegas was mostly fine and I had 2 good runs the week after.  Followed by a not good one.  Then last week happened.

You know that feeling when you’re wearing form fitting clothing but have a band-aid on and that band-aid starts to come loose?  Kind of like it’s not quite flapping around but definitely is not right either.

That’s how my left leg felt on Monday during my run.  Thing was, I wasn’t wearing a band-aid.  So what the hell was I feeling?!!  That’s not normal!  I have a pretty high pain tolerance but Monday’s run attempt pretty much resulted in me slamming on the brakes for the rest of week.   But my leg kept hurting.    Grrr.  There are words I refuse to use that kind of rhyme with best tractor.  😒

So what did I do?

Monday- 2 miles A slow, painful crawl in the dark.

Tuesday– Of course just as I decide I need to take some time off, super pretty new shoes arrive.  I forgot I ordered these after getting home from Las Vegas last week.

ThursdayI vicariously enjoyed everyone else’s Turkey Trot’s while I iced my leg from the couch.

Friday– Does putting up the work Christmas decorations count as a workout?

Sunday- 8 miles on the bike.  I really wanted to run but I can still feel oddness in my leg so I talked myself into being smart.  I was tired of being a lazy lump though so I decided to test the leg on the bike.  I tried to keep a steady pace and not push things.  If I felt even a twinge I backed off.

So yeah, that was a crappy week.  As for the week to come.  I packed my gym bag and as of right now, we’ll just see what happens.  Fingers crossed!

In other news, I have already watched so many cheesy Christmas movies thanks to the Hallmark/ Lifetime channels.   My DVR is getting the workout that I am missing.  😛

How was your week?

Did you run a Turkey Trot?

Week 15- Ouch

Upcoming Races:

  • Destination Races Santa Barbara 13.1- May 13
  • Rock N Roll San Diego 13.1-June 4

Ouch, ouch, ouch.  It hurts.  Cue panic.   I have a half in 2 weeks and Wine Country in 26 days.  Why?!?!

This week was tiring.  There wasn’t any real reason I can pinpoint it was just tiring.   I actually bought a few beers to help me relax a bit the last time I was at the store but to show how rarely I drink- when I went to have one I realized I didn’t have a bottle opener.   Well crap.  Who knew those multi purpose race medals would actually come in handy? 😛

After a good week of running last week I was looking forward to more of the same this week.   Ha!

Monday- Rest  I had planned on running after work but things ran a little later than I thought.  This is when the tiredness started.  I was also supposed to help my parents with their taxes so I decided there just wasn’t enough time.  I hate taxes.

Tuesday- Rest Hmmm, apparently this is the black hole day of the week.

Wednesday- 3.5 miles Where it all went to hell.  Ok, maybe that was a tad dramatic.   I headed to home town for what I thought was going to be a nice, easy 4-5 miler.  20 feet in I had a feeling it was going south.  My left knee hurt- like a sharp stabbing pain right under the knee cap.  Do I stop or is it going to work itself out if I run on? I ran on, slowly.   By mile 2ish, my knee was under control but now my left shin was throbbing.   My shin is always a hot point but never usually this bad.  What the hell! I had turned around before that point and was gimping my way back to my car.  Walking made my knee hurt but running aggravated my shin.  Both sucked.   Later that night I had shooting pains in my right leg… compensation maybe?

Thursday- Rest  My knee hurt at odd points throughout the day, I did the smart thing for once and just went home.   This was beginning to get irksome.

Friday- Rest  My knee felt 85% better but my shin was still twinge-y.  For only having hobbled my way through 3.5 miles during the week, I was stupid tired.  I took a nap on my lunch.

Saturday- 4 miles  I helped my mother move a bunch of rocks in the morning which may or may not have been the best idea.    I joked that I was just working on my squats and hip openers.    I headed out for a test run in the afternoon to see how things went.  One thing I changed was my shoes- Wednesday’s run was in the Sayonara’s and this was in the PureFlow’s.  I tried to keep things easy and walked anytime I felt any sort of twinge from my left leg.  All in all, it wasn’t a bad run at all.  If anything, my legs really wanted to run but I wouldn’t let them.

Sunday- 10 miles 2 less then my original planned long run but maybe more than I should have done.   A cool front and an incoming storm meant I could run in the afternoon again.  I helped my mother with more buckets of rocks and then got the run in before Easter dinner.   Can I count all the rock lifting as cross training this week?  I wasn’t sure how many miles I was going to get in but I figured I would give it a shot.     I ran the same route as last week and coming up on mile 4 I knew I had a choice- turn left and turn it into and 8 mile run with more hills or go straight across the bridge for a slighter flatter 10 miles.  I was feeling ok so I headed across the bridge.  Per usual, I picked up the pace running across the bridge and slowed it down after that.   The river path is super over grown right now so lately  I slow down, pause my music and keep an eye out for rattlesnakes.  😕    Coming back across the bridge my leg was starting to talk, not pain but not happy.  Ok, 8 miles would have been a better idea.    I slowed down and just kept moving forward.  I think I can, I think I can.  10 miles done.  Where’s my foam roller?

17.5 miles for the week.   Less then I wanted but more than I thought I would get considering how I felt on Wednesday.   I will be spending lots of time with my foam roller and stretching throughout the week to come.  Maybe this will be the kick in the pants to use the roller more consistently?   As for the pains, I think the knee may be a problem with my shoes.  If so, this is the quickest I’ve ever killed a pair of shoes- the Sayonara’s only have 174 miles on them.  I think I might know what triggered the shin so I am testing a theory this week.

Oh did I mention I tried to knock myself out on a tree branch?  😂😂

Last week had some shiny moments-  I made it to the movies to see Fate of the Furious.  Yeah it had it’s over the top moments but it was still awesome.

How was your week?

Happy Marathon Monday!!!!

San Francisco Marathon Training Week 10

I have a hashtag for this week – #stupidshins

So yeah, another low mileage week in the books.  You know if I was just running I would be pumped at 3 20+ mile weeks in a row, I mean my monthly average was in the 60’s so 3 weeks of 20+ would have been awesome.   But for marathon training?  I’m trying not to freak out over here.  I am trying really hard to #findtheshiny here.  So here we go.

Monday- Rest  After Saturday’s race and Sunday’s migraine enforced rest, I considered running.  I didn’t as I really wanted to switch my Monday running with Wednesday’s rest day.  I think 3 days in a row will be much more manageable than the 4 I had on the schedule in May.   With the day off of work and no running on the plan, I have to say it was kind of nice.   My legs felt pretty good too, so I was optimistic for a good week.

I consoled myself with In n Out

Tuesday- 3.5 miles  I had 3 potential goals for this run- move my Thursday run of an 8 mile tempo up as it was projected to be over 100º.  If I wasn’t feeling up to that, then the planned intervals of 4 x1200, if not that then a good 7-8 miles.  None of that happened.

Right from the get-go, something felt off.  Then it just plain hurt.  I ran 1 lap of the lake and changed my shoes.  That didn’t help.  I ran- walked- hobbled another 2 laps.   I also sat on a rock and stared at the lake a bit.  Tried telling myself that all the pain was in my head but it wasn’t.  Grrr.   Home for some RICE.

Wednesday- Rest  So much for running on Wednesdays.  My shins hurt, my ankle hurt so I rested.   I also started alternating between heels and flats throughout the day at work.

Thursday- 3.5 miles  Oddly, I kind of missed my tempo.  Who knew?  I ran/ walked a slow 3.5 miles.   My shins were not happy but it didn’t feel like pain just severe achiness.   It was also very hot, so that helped keep things nice and easy.

Friday- Rest  Work was super busy though, so I felt a little ragged.  My boss in on vacation for a few weeks so that means Friday’s are an open to close kind of thing for me.

Saturday- 13.1 miles-   The weekend was predicted to be a hot one so I forced myself to get up early.   It wasn’t early enough.  😓  I set out for my long run and planned to take it nice and slow and walk whenever I felt more than twinge from my shins.   Surprisingly, I felt ok so I kept running.  I reassessed how I felt at each point where I could make the run shorter or add a little mileage.   I only felt one odd twinge but it passed quickly.

What I hadn’t planned well for was the heat.  I started at 7:30!  It warmed up faster than I planned.  There were a few sections where I felt like I was running on the surface of the sun- those were mostly walked.   I also realized by mile 6 that I was going to run out of water.  I had a 24 oz handheld but it wasn’t enough.   I just told myself I had to get to mile 9 and I could run into the AM-PM.   Except that was actually mile 10.  Oops.    My head felt like it was swollen and too big for my hat and the humidity had jumped drastically.   From mile 8.5 to 10, I just kept chanting AM-PM, AM-PM – I had about an ounce of water left.  I ran in and bought a Gatorade and a water.   I poured the Gatorade into my water bottle and carried the extra water bottle.  I was a two-fisted drinker for the last few miles.   I will never run long without my debit card again.

I knew I was going to be slow due to my shins so when I finished in 2:30, I was actually pretty stoked.  If it hadn’t been so hot, I would have shaved a couple minutes off and that’s actually pretty spot on my long run pace.

Sunday- Rest  While my legs feel ok, there is one hot spot on my shin that I don’t like.  After a mental argument with myself, I chose to rest.   It’s not what I want to do but isn’t the saying that under trained is better than injured?

He liked the rest idea

Crap, that only adds up to 20 miles.  Why did I think it was more?   Grrr.  But I had a good long run, so that’s shiny right?

Looking to this week, I am going to listen to my legs and go from there.  Speed work is off the schedule for now but I do hope to see the miles go back up.  I am only 8 weeks out now and that is kind of scary.  I really need to find more hills too or San Francisco is going to eat me for breakfast.  😛

How was your week? Anyone race?

Do you run with money?

How’s your weather?