Tag: time off

Rambling On 21

I haven’t rambled in a while.  😛

I’m so glad it’s Thursday but I needed more time in this week.  Does that make sense?  I may have over extended myself in November and didn’t quite figure it out until it was too late.    I also didn’t manage my time too well.  That’s all on me.  And it’s not like I was spending it running.

I had an interview today.  Second time I’ve thrown my name in the ring for something in a little over a month.  This is a leap.  I want it.  So of course, before my interview I realize I forgot to print off an extra resume.  Then just before I go in I notice a huge hole in my new heels.  WTH?!  So, of course, that’s on my mind for most of the interview- keep your foot angled in a way that hides the hole.  Grrrrr.

Run Laughlin is this Saturday and I’m super bummed to miss it for the second year.  I’ve never been a bucket list race kind of person but I really want to do this race.  If you’re in the area, you still can and save 20% with BIBRAVE20.  Then tell me all about it.  😉

Not that my leg could handle 13 miles right now.  I took 7 days off.  No, wait….8!  I just had to count on my fingers.  That’s not a good sign.  Maybe I need some sleep.  I haven’t been sleeping well either.  Too wired.  See what even missing my measly running miles does to me???

I am so behind on your blogs-I’ve read, I just need to comment.  I think my computer and browser hate me right now, I have maybe 30 tabs open?   It’s ridiculous.  My plan to get all squared away by end of day Thursday.  I can do it!  🤞

How are you? Share a random!



Week 47- R.I.C.E


But, first things first- I hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving!

Ok, back to the boo, maybe boo boo would be more accurate.   Grrr.  Remember how the week leading up to Las Vegas was spent mostly resting due some leg pain after a long run.  However Vegas was mostly fine and I had 2 good runs the week after.  Followed by a not good one.  Then last week happened.

You know that feeling when you’re wearing form fitting clothing but have a band-aid on and that band-aid starts to come loose?  Kind of like it’s not quite flapping around but definitely is not right either.

That’s how my left leg felt on Monday during my run.  Thing was, I wasn’t wearing a band-aid.  So what the hell was I feeling?!!  That’s not normal!  I have a pretty high pain tolerance but Monday’s run attempt pretty much resulted in me slamming on the brakes for the rest of week.   But my leg kept hurting.    Grrr.  There are words I refuse to use that kind of rhyme with best tractor.  😒

So what did I do?

Monday- 2 miles A slow, painful crawl in the dark.

Tuesday– Of course just as I decide I need to take some time off, super pretty new shoes arrive.  I forgot I ordered these after getting home from Las Vegas last week.

ThursdayI vicariously enjoyed everyone else’s Turkey Trot’s while I iced my leg from the couch.

Friday– Does putting up the work Christmas decorations count as a workout?

Sunday- 8 miles on the bike.  I really wanted to run but I can still feel oddness in my leg so I talked myself into being smart.  I was tired of being a lazy lump though so I decided to test the leg on the bike.  I tried to keep a steady pace and not push things.  If I felt even a twinge I backed off.

So yeah, that was a crappy week.  As for the week to come.  I packed my gym bag and as of right now, we’ll just see what happens.  Fingers crossed!

In other news, I have already watched so many cheesy Christmas movies thanks to the Hallmark/ Lifetime channels.   My DVR is getting the workout that I am missing.  😛

How was your week?

Did you run a Turkey Trot?

Week 47 Un-training Recap

Training for-

…..Nope, still nothing!

Another week of taking it easy.  I don’t think I realized how run down I was feeling until I stopped moving.  Granted, part of that could also be due to me deciding to cut back on caffeine, sugar and calories.  All at the same time.  Oh and throw in some new migraine medication we’re trying and it just seemed like a good idea to take things easy.  But I wasn’t totally lazy.

Monday- 2 miles  A short but sweet night run.  Baby steps while I work my way into this night running thing.   Baby steps.  😛😛

Tuesday- 15 minutes yoga  I’m so awkward and inflexible!   Then the video I was using crashed partway through so I had to start another one.  Grr.

Wednesday- 4.47 miles  It’s been so long since I ran a short run from my house I forgot what distance my routes were!    I had an odd doctor’s appointment with a radiologist and a speech therapist of all things so I was able to get the whole run in before dark.   Which was sweet but damn it was cold!  We went from 80 to 50 with 20 mph wind overnight.  I was wearing so many layers.   And I wanted more.

Thursday- Rest  Migraine from hell.   This was the worst headache in weeks so I figured I would try the second new medication.   Holy crap people, I couldn’t add 2 +2.   The pill took about an 1.5 hours to ease the pain but for about 4 hours I was mired in a serious fog, I could barely function.  It was ridiculous.

Friday- Rest  That migraine usually lingers 2 days but I wasn’t taking another pill.   So instead I got a big Diet Coke and a big coffee on my way into work, lesser of 2 evils right?

Saturday- Rest  I worked in the morning and planned on running in the afternoon.    Work ran super late and I was just exhausted.   I watched a couple of cheesy Christmas movies instead.

Sunday- Rest  It rained all day.  I still have unhealed marks on my chest from the chafe of the Harvest Marathon.  After 2 races in the rain, I think I am little leery of running in the rain right now.  It may be a while before it happens again.  I realize that makes me a big baby but that’s ok.   I did a bit of shopping though and picked up a reflective vest for more running in the dark.

It passed the flash test!

6 miles is way better than last week so I’m calling it a win.  I’m realizing that I need a little more time off than I thought.   That being said, I will not be turkey trotting this week.  Boo.  But the only trot available to me is a 10K and I don’t think I have a 10K in me right now.   Plus, this will also be the first time in 4 years that I am working the week of Thanksgiving so that’s going to be odd.

How was your week?

Are you running a turkey trot?

What are your plans this week?

Radio silence 

Long time no share.   I think that was the longest posting break I have taken since I started this blog almost 3 years ago.   I try to stick to a schedule of posting 3x a week so my one post last week was very lonely.  😞

I wanted to post but just didn’t feel like I was in the right head space there for a while.   I ended up taking Wednesday through Saturday off of running as well.    So attempt 1 of changing my weekly schedule didn’t work out.  A migraine rolled in on Wednesday evening and didn’t leave until Saturday.    Sometimes I run through them but this time I just decided to embrace the Slacker and rest.    The migraine was probably partially hormonal and partially due to stress so rest sounded great.  😃  I watched some tv, read some fanfic online (yes I am that nerdy) and maybe ate some things that I shouldn’t have.    I have zero regrets about that donut- I needed it for my mental health.    🙂

Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving.  Albert Einstein
Just keep moving…. Thanks Pinterest

Work is in the process of getting a little crazier so I decided that I just needed some quiet time.   I work in a location with a smaller staff, only about 6, and 3 have given notice.    All are for different life reasons but the timing still makes me doubt myself as a manager.    There are some things that I have no control over and I know this but still that little voice in my head starts whispering.     Ugh.   Plus with 3 leaving, things are about to get really interesting.   I see some very long days in the future… Very soon.    I am trying going to stay optimistic and it is what is and we will get through it.  Where did the cynical Slacker go?

I am hopeful that I can stick to my usual running of 4x a week throughout  the coming weeks but if I have to drop a day I will.   We’ll see.   Also I need to get back on that schedule, I haven’t hit 4 days a week since the week before SLO.  oops!!   IMG_0336

I did get in some miles on Sunday.   On Saturday, my mother and I had headed into SLO for a little shopping.      One of those stops was the Running Warehouse.    It broke my little Mizuno-loving heart but I exchanged my Inspire’s.    I don’t know what it was but I just could not break them in.    I hate exchanging shoes,  I feel bad that they have to be sent back, but I do not have the room in the budget to just keep buying shoes.   I swapped them out for a pair of the Wave Rider 18’s.   Maybe they are what I should have gone with in the first place.  Hmmm, we’ll see.IMG_0355Sunday was Mother’s Day (Happy belated Mother’s Day to all you mothers!) and the day started with a nice run/ walk with my mom.  We did the usual walk for a bit then I would run ahead and double back.    I was feeling a little tired and sluggish but after 4 days off, I wasn’t complaining.   Plus it was my first run in my new shoes.   🙂    In a completely unimportant note, these shoes sure are pretty, I hope I like them.

So I am hoping to get back to the regularly scheduled programming this week.   Hopefully in all areas, fingers crossed!

How was your weekend?  Mother’s Day?

Ever needed a time out? What did you do?